Presentations and Authors

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The persistence of Apparallu tradition (female circumcision) in the Erelembang Village Community PDF 1-15
Mutia Mutahhara Hasan, Surayah Rasyid, Mastanning Mastanning, Nurul Hidayat
Microsoft access utilization analysis in inputting library collection (case study of MAS Alkhairat school library Palu) PDF 174-185
Dini Arfayani, Nazwa Mawaddah, Ahmad Fatanah
Design of appropriate technology training based on enterpreneurship PDF 246-255
Abdullah Basalamah, Husain Syam, Abdul Muis Mappalotteng, Bambang Driyono, A. Muhammad Syafar, Nur Idil Fitri Idris
Locution and illocution speech acts in the short Arabic movie "Hifdzul Amanah" based on Austin's perspectives PDF 403-426
Nur Hasaniyah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ummi Hasanah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
What should father do to love? Which is better between Western and Eastern fathering: Al-Quran perspectives PDF 455-478
Nur Hasaniyah, Ummi Hasanah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
Improving children's vocabullary through storytelling PDF 533-544
Fira Ramadani, Uyun Mustary, Nur Halisa, Nurul Agusti, Dzulkifli Dzulkifli, Ahmad Ahmad
Analysis of the impact's of Hussein Ibn Ali rejection movement on the reign of Yazid Ibn Muawiyah (61 AH/680 CE): A review of Islamic History PDF 591-608
Ichwan Ismail, Abd. Rahim Yunus, Chaerul Mundzir, Muh. Ilham Noer Hamsah, M Dahlan M, Mastanning Mastanning
Solar cell practicum technology information media based on project based learning PDF 719-725
Andi Syarifuddin, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Muhammad Yusuf Mappeasse, Faisal Faisal
Cultivating character in students: The impact of English teachers' pedagogical competence PDF 802-808
Mustaqimah Mustaqimah, Reskyani Reskyani, Andi Adisaturrahimi
The advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in EFL Classroom: perception of teachers and students in SMAN 1 Cicalengka PDF 809-847
Dedi Sulaeman, R. Medina Kusumah P., Siti Maemunah

This event is organized by:

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


Alauddin University Press

Office Address:
Jln. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36 Romangpolong, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

ISSN (online): 2829-9647

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