Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


The persistence of Apparallu tradition (female circumcision) in the Erelembang Village Community PDF 1-15
Mutia Mutahhara Hasan, Surayah Rasyid, Mastanning Mastanning, Nurul Hidayat
The effect of online games on English vocabulary acquisition PDF 16-32
Dedi Sulaeman, Annisa Situmorang, Rohmatul Hidayah
Noun phrase structure of subject position in a travel literarure PDF 33-42
Lisetyo Ariyanti, Silvy Chintia Adelia, Widyastuti Widyastuti, Dian Rivia Himmawati
Representation of RP. H Moch Noer stadium as a space for cultural expression of Kerapan Sape' in Bangkalan Regency PDF 198- 210
Yudhi Rachman, S.Sos., M. Sosio, Darul Hikmah
Unveilling the future of EFL writing: A review on students' perception on AI integration PDF 227-235
Uswatun hasanah, Asman bin Mohd Tahir
Muhammadiyah's Veranda : The interpretation and implementation of Islam with progress in Bajeng subdistrict, Gowa district with progress in Bajeng subdi PDF 236-245
Hadisaputra Hadisaputra, Ansar Arifin, Muhammad Basir, Tasfirin Tahara
A strategy to establish campus entrepreneurship activities as an avenue for encouraging sustainable economic development PDF 274-284
Ali Hardana, Abdul Nasser Hasibuan, Sulaeman Efendi Siregar, Elga Nasution, Andriyana Andriyana, Windari Windari
The expression of the author on his Mental Illnes in the novel "Turtles All The Way Down" by John Green PDF 346-360
Nur Fajriani Hamzah, Sardian Maharani Asnur, Sandra Dewi Dahlan
Transformating resilience: Evaluating the continued relevance of Madrasah education curriculum in the face of artificial intelligence disruptions PDF 379-393
Fadli Herman, St. Azizah
Locution and illocution speech acts in the short Arabic movie "Hifdzul Amanah" based on Austin's perspectives PDF 403-426
Nur Hasaniyah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ummi Hasanah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
English language design in merdeka curriculum and its relevance to promoting independence to work PDF 444-454
Siti Saridah, Alyaa Hilmianti, Muhammad Aminuddin, Anugrah Imani
What should father do to love? Which is better between Western and Eastern fathering: Al-Quran perspectives PDF 455-478
Nur Hasaniyah, Ummi Hasanah, Madinatul Munawwarah, Ghana Aldila Septiani, Lulu Eka Aprilia
Improving children's vocabullary through storytelling PDF 533-544
Fira Ramadani, Uyun Mustary, Nur Halisa, Nurul Agusti, Dzulkifli Dzulkifli, Ahmad Ahmad
طريقة الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الإندونيسية في هذا العصر PDF 583-590
Adibah Luthfiana, Muhammad Hafidz Zakaria, Muchammad Rizqi, Salwa Febrina, Arini Hidayati, Siti Rasaraya Hastinda
TPACK study in Indonesian EFL Classrooms: challenges and opportunities PDF 726-736
Isna Humaera, Uswatun Hasanah, Nasrullah A, M. Jufrianto
Uslūb al-Iltifāt In surah al Baqarah: Ma'ani Analysis on the Transition of the Use of First Person to Third Person PDF 813- 831
Berti Arsyad, Haniah Haniah, Amrah Kasim

This event is organized by:

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


Alauddin University Press

Office Address:
Jln. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36 Romangpolong, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

ISSN (online): 2829-9647

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