Presentations and Authors

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Enhancement of Science Knowledge in Kindergarten Students: The Effect of the Elephant Trunk Game Active Learning Model FULLTEXT(1-8)
Nur Muftiaturrahmah, Besse Marjani Alwi, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani
The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Developing the Independent Curriculum for the Era 5.0 FULLTEXT (9-16)
Heri - Susanto, Darmawati - -, abd - rahmat, sitti - nadira, Syahruddin - -, Ahmad - Musyawir
The Influence of Using the Team Games Tournament Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at MI Muhammadiyah Bontoboddia, Gowa Regency FULLTEXT (17-26)
Fatma Sari, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Fajri Basam
The Influence of Religious Maturity on The Teaching Culture of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Banjarnegara District in the Society 5.0 Era FULLTEXT (27-37)
Suliwati Suliwati
Analysis of the Planning Process in Educational Institutions: Curriculum, Infrastructure Development, Technology, Recruitment, and Finance FULLTEXT (38-52)
Ibnu Amirus Syahid, Bella Aristika, Fessy Alfina, Wiwin Astuti, Heldy Ramadhan Putra Pembangunan
Innovative Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Context of Society 5.0 FULLTEXT (53-57)
Nirva Diana, Chairul Amriyah, Listiyani Siti Romlah
ESP Students’ Perceptions of AI Writing Tools to Enhance Students’ Self-Efficacy in Writing Skills FULLTEXT (58-67)
Bungsu Keumala Sari
The Board Games Maze On Plant Tissue Material: A Media Affects Learning Outcomes FULLTEXT (68-76)
Muhammad Hasan Nur, Ahmad Ali, Ummul Hasanah, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Ainul Uyuni Taufiq
A Podcast on Respiratory System Material: A Valid, Practical, and Effective Audio Media For Students FULLTEXT (77-90)
Sayyid Maulana Almahdali, Jamilah Jamilah, Ahmad Ali, Syamsul Syamsul, Syahriani Syahriani
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence-Based Adaptive Learning Systems in Improving Student Learning Motivation FULLTEXT (91-112)
Marwati Abd. Malik, Mas’ud B.
The Surprise Box Learning Media on Human Reproductive System Material FULLTEXT(113-120)
Radhiyah Rukman, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Syamsul Syamsul, Wiwin Pramita Arif, Andi Tenri Ola Ri Rivai
The E-Book Pisces Based on The Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application: A Valid, Practical, and Effective Learning Media FULLTEXT(121-128)
Zulkarnaim Naim Naim, Ainul Uyuni Taufiq, Andi Tenri Ola Ri Rivai, Jamilah Jamilah, Hamansah Hamansah
ICARE Learning Model: Its Effect on Learning Outcomes FULLTEXT(129-144)
Nurfadillah Haruna Rio, Jamilah Jamilah, Zulkarnaim Zulkarnaim, Ahmad Ali, Syamsul Syamsul
The Influence of Clue & Search Card in Tissue Plant’s Learning Outcomes FULLTEXT(145-155)
Ihwana N, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Syamsul Syamsul, Ummul Hasanah
The Role of Bio-Entrepreneurship in Improving Student Creative Thinking FULLTEXT(156-164)
Humaerah Indah Syahrah, Jamilah - -, Ummul - Hasanah, Syahriani - -
Increasing Learning Interest and Critical Thinking in Students: The Impact of POGIL on Ecosystem Learning FULLTEXT(165-176)
A. Puteri Kumala Dewi, Jamilah Jamilah, Syamsul Syamsul, Syahriani Syahriani
Creative and Innovative Learning Approaches in Forming Students' Character in Early Children FULLTEXT (177-195)
Gusnarib A. Wahab, Hj. Adawiyah Pettalongi
Optimization of the Synergy of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Supporting the Counseling Guidance Program at SMK Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang in the 5.0 Era FULLTEXT (176-207)
Lalu Muhammad Salikurrahman, Mohamad Joko Susilo
Development of E-Module with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach on Three-Variable Linear Equation System (SPLTV) Material to Improve Thinking Ability Critical Student FULLTEXT (208-220)
Ridatul Wardani, Suharti Suharti, Nur Khalisah Latuconsina
Islamic Virtues Meet Society 5.0: Hamka's Sufism Concept of Sabr and Shukr Guiding Educators' Role in Resilience Building FULLTEXT (221-241)
Nur Hadi Ihsan
The Effect of Character Education on The Behavior of Grade V Students of SD Negeri Minasa Upa, Kota Makassar FULLTEXT (242-246)
Nurul Salsa Fadila, M. Shabir U, M. Mirza Fatahullah
Development of Digital Competence of MI / SD Students in Facing the Era of Society 5.0 FULLTEXT (247-252)
Annisa Nurul Firdaus, Hana Zahid Nur Fadilah, Intan Ayu Amalia, Siti Aisyah, Mikyal Hardiyati
The Effect of the Implementation of the Handout-Assisted Take and Give Learning Model on the Improvement of Social Science Learning Outcomes of Class V Students of SD Inpres Tamangapa, Makassar City FULLTEXT(253-264)
Risna Risna, Munawir K, Suhardiman Suhardiman, Andi Hasrianti, Suarti Suarti
Comparison of the Discovery Learning Model and the Direct Instruction Model on IPAS Learning Outcomes for Fourth Grade at SDN Centre Mawang Gowa Regency FULLTEXT(265-278)
Sitti Nur Faizah, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Suarti Suarti
Effectiveness of the Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning-based PAI Modules in the Face of Learning Outcomes of Class VI Students of SDN 2 Balo-Baloang, Pangkep Regency FULLTEXT(279-288)
Risma A, Muzakkir Muzakkir, Rosdiana Rosdiana
Digital Transformation of Learning in Madrasahs: Leveraging IoT for The Future of Education 5.0 in Kabupaten Bandung FULLTEXT (289-305)
Neng Lani Suryana, Ade Yeti Nuryantini, Algi Nurahman Miladanta
The Influence of the Use of Role Playing Learning Models on the Learning Outcomes of Science Students of Class V of Elementary School 42 Bateballa, Bantaeng Regency FULLTEXT (306-316)
Fitriani Sapitra, Rosdiana Rosdiana, M. Mirza Fatahullah
Management of Pesantren-Based Madrasah Aliyah Curriculum in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, Indonesia FULLTEXT (317-332)
Faizin - Faizin, Atabik - Atabik
Meta Analysis: Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics of Junior High School Students FULLTEXT (333-342)
Inayah Indah Azzahrah, A. Sriyanti, Nur Inzani, Munirah Munirah, A. Dian Angriani, Baharuddin Baharuddin
Ethnomathematics in Sidomukti Solo Batik Motifs as a Media For Learning Realistic Mathematics FULLTEXT (343-358)
Aleza Dwi Septi, Andi Muhammad Toha, Wiwin Astuti, Moh Bisri
Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Islamic Education Management in the Disruptive Era of Kabupaten Bone FULLTEXT (359-366)
A. Muh. Syahwan Syahnan
Financial Management at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar City FULLTEXT (367-386)
Duriska Kadir, Ridwan Idris, Lisa Nursita, Suarga Suarga, St. Ibrah Mustafa Kamal
Adaptive Strategies of Islamic Education Management in Facing the Disruptive Era: An Empirical Study on Islamic Educational Institutions of Kabupaten Bone FULLTEXT (387-395)
Vega Adelia
The Values of Religious Moderation in the Podcast "Login" in Close the Door Season 2 (2024) FULLTEXT (396-411)
Annida Husna Savira, Rustam Ibrahim, Mayana Ratih Permatasari
Development of Interactive Science Learning Media on Solar System Material at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah based on PowerPoint and Ispring on Android FULLTEXT (412-423)
Nun Asmi Aida, Alvin Yanuar Rahman, Hilman Mangkuwibawa
Problems of Office Automation at the Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia FULLTEXT (424-437)
Nur Hidayanti, Lisa Nursita, Ridwan Idris, Andi Halimah, Kasmawati Kasmawati
Effectiveness of Using M-Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline Application on Energy Source Material to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class X MIPA 3 Students at MA Allu Bangkala FULLTEXT (438-454)
Muhammad Yusuf Hidayat, Hamsil Mahendra, Ali Umar Dani, Anas Irwan
Tech-Driven Teachers: Embracing Digital Innovations to Shape the Future of Preservice Education and Instructional Design FULLTEXT (455-467)
Nadhira Noor Rabbani Sidiki
Innovation of Morning Habits Based on Islamic Values in Facing the Challenges of the 5.0 Era: Implementation at MI Ma'arif NU Kedungwringin FULLTEXT (468-475)
Kunyati , ,, Amelia Nurunnisa ,, Aura Meidy Rallygia, Maulida Khafidoh .
The Influence of Using the Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Sketch Media on the Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at MI Muhammadiyah Ballatabbua, Gowa Regency FULLTEXT (476-480)
Nurhikmah Amelia, Yuspiani Yuspiani, Mirza Fatahullah
Online-based management of new student admissions at SMAN 2 Bulukumba FULLTEXT (481-492)
St Rahmawati, Alwan Subhan, Suarga Suarga, Natsir Mahmud, Wahyuni Ismail
Implementation of Curriculum Management Towards Increasing Accreditation at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar FULLTEXT (493-504)
Muthiah Khaerunnisa, Eka Damayanti, Lisa Nursita, St. Syamsudduha, Fitriani Nur
The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Processes on Employee Performance at the Balai Diklat Keagamaan in Makassar FULLTEXT (505-521)
Nur Hikmah Maudinah, St. Ibrah Mustafa Kamal, Ridwan Idris, Mardhiah Mardhiah, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar
The RADEC Model as a 21st Century Learning Innovation in Social Studies at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah FULLTEXT (522- 533)
Salma Fauziah R, Yayan Carlian, Muhaammad Rifqi Mahmud, Apip Rudianto, Wahyu Sopandi
Efforts Of Islamic Religious Education Teachers In Forming Students' Character In The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 5.0 At SDN 161 Pakkodi Enrekang FULLTEXT (534-543)
Andi Muis Muis Muis, Rohma Udin Fanani, Ramli Ramli, Marhum Marhum, Hamsiah Danda
Implementation of the Storytelling Program in Implementing Islamic Education Values in Elementary School Students FULLTEXT (545-554)
Salma Balqis, Titim Fatimah, Kawuryansih Widowati, Inne Marthyane Pratiwi
Systematic Literature Review: Improving Digital Literacy by Using Learning Media FULLTEXT (555-570)
Fitriani Nur, Agung Muhtar Saputra, Syarifah Ainur Natia, Fiqriyatul Fijaar, Resa Yulianti, Bahrul Alim
Development of Flipbook Maker-Assisted E-Modules Based on Problem Based Learning Models on Quadrate Equations Material FULLTEXT (571-580)
Nursanti Nursanti, Sri Sulasteri, Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang, Thamrin Tayeb4, Nur Khalisah Latuconsina
Effectiveness of Formative Assessment Model on Learning Outcomes FULLTEXT (581-603)
Ilyas Ismail, Andi Kusumayanti
The Influence of Applying the Probing-Prompting Method on Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Students FULLTEXT (604-615)
Rika Risnawati, Umar Sulaiman Sulaiman, Andi Hasrianti
Ethnomathematic Analysis of Hand Crafts (Makassar Ethnic) on Mathematics Learning FULLTEXT (616-635)
Andi Kusumayanti, Suci Rahma, Rahmiati Rahmiati, Sunil Natsir, A. Sriyanti
Madrasah Institutional Management Based on Collaboration with Boarding Schools in the Disruption Era FULLTEXT (636-644)
Zuri pamuji, Titik Rahmawati
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Components of Traditional Boats of The Makassar People as a Source of Learning Geometry Concepts FULLTEXT (645-659)
Andi Kusumayanti, Widiastika Suartawa, M. Ariel Fazli, Maulana Syakira, Suharti Suharti
Redefining Learning Environments: The Role of Digital Transformation In The 5.0 Era FULLTEXT (660-668)
Lidia Astriana
An Exploration of Ethnomathematics in Traditional Weapon Artifacts of Somba Opu Fort, South Sulawesi FULLTEXT (669-680)
Risal Akbar, Andi Kusumayanti, Nasrul Nasrul, Fira Yanti, Annisa Nur Rahmadani, Andi Dian Angriani
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Traditional Houses of Tana Toraja Tongkonan in The Learning of Mathematics FULLTEXT (681-695)
Hasnia Hasnia, Andi Kusumayanti, Akmal Akmal, Andi Afifah Salsabila, Puji Qur’ani Al Haq, Ahmad Farham Majid
Ethnomathematics of Bugis Food: Exploration of Traditional Cakes as a Resource for Learning Mathematics FULLTEXT (696-717)
Andi Kusumayanti, Ahmad Abdul Khair, Andi Nur Asisa, Amalia Sari Nur Faidah, Andi Ika Prasasti
An Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Gandrang Bulo Dance of The Makassar Tribe FULLTEXT (718-736)
Andi Kusumayanti, Dwi Aprillia Aprillia, Hendra Hendra, Ainun Jariah, Nursalam Nursalam

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International Seminar Da'wah and Communication