Presentations and Authors

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The Influence of ChatGPT on Students’ Ability in Developing Ideas 23 - 34
Nihla Afdaliah, Muhammad Ridwan Alamsyah, Ayu Melati
Students’ Perceptions of AI-based Speech Recognition in the ELSA Speak Application for Pronunciation Practice 35 - 44
Rina Marliana, Nasyrah Sakinah, Selvi Selvi, Rahmat Rahmat
Natural Language: The Analysis of Language Shift in Barru Ethnicity 139 - 143
Abdul Muis Said, Ariani Syahputri M, Subhan Rahmat
Analysing Morphological Process in Two News Articles Found in NBC News 214 - 223
Multazam Abubakar, Nurul Mutmainna, St. Fadilah Jafar, Zul Astri

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International Seminar Da'wah and Communication