Presentations and Authors

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Morphological Analysis of Word Formation Found In BBC News Articles 16 - 22
Multazam Abubakar, Fariskayuni Fariskayuni, Wa Ode Yulihartina, Nurul Hidjrah Hairuddin
Investigating Subjective Need of Islamic Education Manajemen at UIN Alauddin Makassar 75 - 90
Indah Fadhilah Rahman, Syaharani Winda HS
EFL Students’ Disposition towards Classroom Bilingual Interaction 124 - 135
Abd Halim, Nur Mutmainna Halim
Collaborative Language Learning: The Penta Helix Model in Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation 224 - 229
Suryani Jihad, Nurtamin Nurtamin, Hasanuddin H, Arfah Patawari

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International Seminar Da'wah and Communication