Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Strategy to improve the community behavior to control environmental damage through breadfruit conservation in a small island, Makassar City, Indonesia
Makmun Makmun, Muhammad Ardi, Nurlita Pertiwi

Last modified: 2023-06-04


The breadfruit tree is a multi-functional plant that can increase the value of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and support the SDG’s agenda. However, the condition of this plant in the small island area of Makassar City is threatened with degradation. This study aims to formulate a strategy to improve community behavior to control environmental damage through breadfruit conservation on the Small Island of Makassar City. This research is quantitative research with two stages of data collection. There were 50 respondents selected by purposive sampling method who were involved in filling out the questionnaire. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted involving eight experts. People’s behavior in preparing breadfruit on small islands was found to be low, with a score of 54. This fact was influenced by limited knowledge, motivation, attitude, concern, commitment, locus of control, and application of policies to support breadfruit. The strategy formulated is the EDTS program, namely the delivery of education, dissemination, and joint movement for handling breadfruit (together) and imposing sanctions on breadfruit loggers.


Conservation; breadfruit; environment control

Full Text: FULL TEXT (344-351)