Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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The development of madrasah based on Madrasah Reform Program in Indonesia: study of implementation and strategy aspects
Hasyim Haddade

Last modified: 2023-07-16


This study aims to demonstrate how madrasah reform is implemented in madrasas and the strategies for managing madrasahs through the Madrasah Reform Program. Data collection in this study used in-depth and semi-structured interviews with madrasahs' heads and teachers regarding the implementation of the Madrasah Reform Program and madrasah management strategies at three levels of education. This study shows that the strategy of managing and developing madrasas through the Madrasah Reform Program in three madrasas in Indonesia has positively impacted the quality of madrasas. However, there are still aspects that require development. This proves that Madrasah Reform Program is a program that can be implemented in Madrasas to improve the quality of madrasah management in the digital era while continuing to carry out simultaneous improvements and evaluations of the program.


Madrasah Reform Program; Islamic boarding school

Full Text: FULL TEXT (319-330)