Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Ma’rate culture in wedding events
Nureni Nureni, Syarifah Tenriani T., Muh. Sukri, Reski Pradana

Last modified: 2023-06-03


Ma'rate culture, deeply rooted in the combination of local customs and Islamic law, holds significant importance in the marriage process. This qualitative research adopts direct observation and interview techniques to gain insights. The study involves community members and religious shops as informants, particularly focusing on a community group dedicated to preserving ancestral marriage and circumcision traditions. From an Islamic perspective, Ma'rate encompasses three key elements: moral values, cultural values, and the value of worship. In terms of moral values, hosts are obliged to honor guests by providing food. However, the implementation of Ma'rate customs has evolved over time, shifting from its original form to a symbolic representation of tradition. Additionally, Ma'rate customs involve prayers for the well-being of the bride, groom, and humanity in general, embodying the value of worship. According to Islamic law, if society adheres to Islamic values and avoids sinful behavior, the Ma'rate custom may be practiced, provided it aligns with the teachings of the Quran, the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, and the principles of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Ma'rate has become an integral part of the wedding process within the Makassar Bugis tribe, preceding the Mapaccin event. Overall, the study emphasizes the significance of Ma'rate culture in the broader community's understanding of the marriage process, intertwining local customs with Islamic principles.


Ma'rate; wedding customs; Makassarese