Last modified: 2023-01-16
Santri or Islamic boarding school (pesantren) students must be guided so they have life skills. One of the efforts that can improve personal skills is farming activities. However, the student's interest in farming is still low due to the student's perception of being dirty and time-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to study hydroponics as a soilless planting system to increase student interest in farming. This literature study aimed to know the students of Islamic boarding schools' interest in using hydroponic technology. It was a qualitative descriptive research design with a literature review approach. The databases used in this literature study were Pro-quest, Science direct, Research gate, and Google Scholar. Five out of 218 articles were found in the database. After the analysis of identification, screening, and eligibility processes, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and the research objective, it can conclude that hydroponic technology increased the interest in farming of Islamic boarding school students. The student's interest indicators are: a feeling of pleasure, attention, involvement, and interest in hydroponic farming.