Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2022

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Arka Damayanti, Muslimin H. Kara, Sabbar Dahham Sabbar

Last modified: 2023-01-21


Poverty is a complex problem that must be addressed immediately. Allah SWT has provided adequate means and facilities to meet human needs. If someone is still in the cycle of poverty then the causative factor is the human being himself. Thus, change must start from the man himself. To change, another encouragement is needed. Within the scope of this discussion, the concept of empowerment is necessary. The topic of community empowerment is very worthy of being raised. Even the Prophet himself has carried out empowerment to overcome economic problems. By looking at the steps taken by the Prophet Muhammad, it can be a reference for the government and those who are empowered to give empowerment to those who are powerless. So, the purpose of this study is to describe how the concept of community empowerment was carried out by the Prophet Muhammad. This research uses a type of library research. Using primary data and secondary data. This paper uses an analytical approach and a descriptive approach to describe the concept of community empowerment by exploring the values of Islamic empowerment in the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The idea of empowering the Prophet's perspective emphasizes the principles of justice (al-Dari), the principle of equality (al-musawah), brotherhood (al-ikha), the principle of mutual help (al-ta'awun), the principle of participation, and the principle of work ethic. While the strategic steps taken by the Prophet in empowering the community were first to form and develop independent community individuals, secondly to distribute wealth fairly and evenly, thirdly to build education and guidance, and fourthly to prevent market distortions. The Prophet paid great attention to empowering his people. The empowerment carried out still adheres to Islamic values because, in fact, the goal of welfare to be achieved is not only in this world but in the hereafter.



Poverty; empowerment; Prophet Muhammad SAW

Full Text: FULL TEXT (602-618)