Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Artificial Intelligence and Its Role for Lecturers in English Education Study Program at STAIN Majene 1 - 15
Uswatunnisa Uswatunnisa, Sariana Sariana, Rahmi R
Morphological Analysis of Word Formation Found In BBC News Articles 16 - 22
Multazam Abubakar, Fariskayuni Fariskayuni, Wa Ode Yulihartina, Nurul Hidjrah Hairuddin
The Influence of ChatGPT on Students’ Ability in Developing Ideas 23 - 34
Nihla Afdaliah, Muhammad Ridwan Alamsyah, Ayu Melati
Students’ Perceptions of AI-based Speech Recognition in the ELSA Speak Application for Pronunciation Practice 35 - 44
Rina Marliana, Nasyrah Sakinah, Selvi Selvi, Rahmat Rahmat
Fostering Islamic Values in Online Language Learning: A Case Study of A Whatsapp English Group for Muslim Women 45 - 64
R. Medina Kusumah Pramadi, Muhammad Aminuddin, Dedi Sulaeman
Students' Strategies in Learning Vocabulary at The Second Semester of Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar 65 - 74
Indah Fadhilah Rahman, Nurfadillah .
Investigating Subjective Need of Islamic Education Manajemen at UIN Alauddin Makassar 75 - 90
Indah Fadhilah Rahman, Syaharani Winda HS
Teachers’ Assessment Practices in English for Young Learners Classroom 91 - 94
Andi Asmawati, Nur Azizah
Analyzing Word Formation Found In Nasa News Article: A Morphological Study 95 - 105
Andi Asmawati, Galuh Pramugitha Rhamadina
An Analysis of Speaking Activities in the Textbook “When English Rings a Bell” for 8th Grade Junior High School Based on Littlewood’s Communicativeness Continuum 106 - 123
Fatimah Akram Qasim, Hery Rahmat
EFL Students’ Disposition towards Classroom Bilingual Interaction 124 - 135
Abd Halim, Nur Mutmainna Halim
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method in Teaching English 136 - 138
Andi Wahbah Al-Zuhaily, Muhammad Ikhzan Is., Mohammad Fadhiil Abdullah M.
Natural Language: The Analysis of Language Shift in Barru Ethnicity 139 - 143
Abdul Muis Said, Ariani Syahputri M, Subhan Rahmat
Empowering Language Learners: The Role of Self-Assessment in Enhancing Speaking Skills 144 - 153 287 - 297
Ratna Komala Dewi, Oom Rohmah Syamsudin
The Analysis of Lexical Meaning in the Word of Buginese Language 144 - 150
Andi Asmawati, Irmayanti Bachtiar, Subhan Rahmat
Understanding the Word Meaning of Tanya in the Context of Makassar Culture 151 - 155
Indah Fadhilah Rahman, Annisa Pratiwi, Subhan Rahmat
The Analysis of Metaphors in Alosi Ripolo Dua Song Lyrics 156 - 161
Muhammad Syahruddin Nawir, Nurul Suciani
The Ambiguity of The Word "Je'ne" in Makassar Language 162 - 167
Sophia Azhar, Nabila Syahrani
Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessments in the Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in English Language Learning at SMKN 5 Gowa 168 - 174
Nur Aliyah Nur, Nurhumaida Azhar
Analysis of the Influence of Reallife Apps on Speaking skills, Social Interaction and User Engagement in the Real and Digital Worlds 175 - 179
Nasrul Nasrul, Suryani Jihad
Project-Based Learning on Teaching Methods: Student Teachers’ Reflection 180 -186
Kusumadyahdewi Kusumadyahdewi, Hakkun Elmunsyah, Kusumarasdyati Kusumarasdyati
Online Autonomous Learning of English Reflected in The Writing of EFL Learners 187 - 197
Qurrotul Aini S, Diah Kristina, Endang Fauziati
Google Gemini: Google’s Latest Break Through in English Language Teaching (ELT) 198 - 201
Nasrun Nasrun, Suryani Jihad
Contrasting Curricula: Kurikulum 2013 vs Kurikulum Merdeka for English in Indonesian Senior High Schools 202 - 206
Alka Fajari, Muhammad Aminuddin
The Shift of Motivation in English Language Learning 207 - 213
Marningsih Sadik
Analysing Morphological Process in Two News Articles Found in NBC News 214 - 223
Multazam Abubakar, Nurul Mutmainna, St. Fadilah Jafar, Zul Astri
Collaborative Language Learning: The Penta Helix Model in Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation 224 - 229
Suryani Jihad, Nurtamin Nurtamin, Hasanuddin H, Arfah Patawari
Integrating Islamic Values into ELT 230 - 235
Abdul Muis Said, Anugrah Putri
The Analysis of Students’ Wants in English for Public Health in State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar 236 - 241
Nurul Adawia, Subhan Rahmat, Sitti Nurpahmi
Translanguaging Pedagogies in an Indonesian Vocational College Classroom: How Does It Affect Students’ Confidence to Speak in English? 242 - 260
Feby Sekar Ayu Kuncoroningtyas, Sumardi Sumardi, Kristian Adi Putra
The Impact of Assemblr Edu AR on EFL Vocabulary Development in High School Learners 261 - 273
Ari Riadin, Muhammad Aminuddin
Investigating Factors Influencing Students' Emotional Engagement in English Language Learning: A Case Study at MA Guppi Samata 274 - 286
Nurhafizah Nurhafizah, Nurfajri Ningsih, Hardiani Ardin
Empowering Language Learners: The Role of Self-Assessment in Enhancing Speaking Skills 287 - 297
Ratna Komala Dewi, Oom Rohman Syamsudin

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Office Address:
Jln. H. M. Yasin Limpo No. 36 Romangpolong, Samata, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan
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ISSN:  3024-9058 (Online - Elektronik)

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