Enhancement of Science Knowledge in Kindergarten Students: The Effect of the Elephant Trunk Game Active Learning Model | FULLTEXT(1-8) |
Nur Muftiaturrahmah, Besse Marjani Alwi, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani |
The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Developing the Independent Curriculum for the Era 5.0 | FULLTEXT (9-16) |
Heri - Susanto, Darmawati - -, abd - rahmat, sitti - nadira, Syahruddin - -, Ahmad - Musyawir |
The Influence of Using the Team Games Tournament Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at MI Muhammadiyah Bontoboddia, Gowa Regency | FULLTEXT (17-26) |
Fatma Sari, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Fajri Basam |
The Influence of Religious Maturity on The Teaching Culture of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Banjarnegara District in the Society 5.0 Era | FULLTEXT (27-37) |
Suliwati Suliwati |
Analysis of the Planning Process in Educational Institutions: Curriculum, Infrastructure Development, Technology, Recruitment, and Finance | FULLTEXT (38-52) |
Ibnu Amirus Syahid, Bella Aristika, Fessy Alfina, Wiwin Astuti, Heldy Ramadhan Putra Pembangunan |
Innovative Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Context of Society 5.0 | FULLTEXT (53-57) |
Nirva Diana, Chairul Amriyah, Listiyani Siti Romlah |
ESP Students’ Perceptions of AI Writing Tools to Enhance Students’ Self-Efficacy in Writing Skills | FULLTEXT (58-67) |
Bungsu Keumala Sari |
The Board Games Maze On Plant Tissue Material: A Media Affects Learning Outcomes | FULLTEXT (68-76) |
Muhammad Hasan Nur, Ahmad Ali, Ummul Hasanah, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Ainul Uyuni Taufiq |
A Podcast on Respiratory System Material: A Valid, Practical, and Effective Audio Media For Students | FULLTEXT (77-90) |
Sayyid Maulana Almahdali, Jamilah Jamilah, Ahmad Ali, Syamsul Syamsul, Syahriani Syahriani |
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence-Based Adaptive Learning Systems in Improving Student Learning Motivation | FULLTEXT (91-112) |
Marwati Abd. Malik, Mas’ud B. |
The Surprise Box Learning Media on Human Reproductive System Material | FULLTEXT(113-120) |
Radhiyah Rukman, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Syamsul Syamsul, Wiwin Pramita Arif, Andi Tenri Ola Ri Rivai |
The E-Book Pisces Based on The Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Application: A Valid, Practical, and Effective Learning Media | FULLTEXT(121-128) |
Zulkarnaim Naim Naim, Ainul Uyuni Taufiq, Andi Tenri Ola Ri Rivai, Jamilah Jamilah, Hamansah Hamansah |
ICARE Learning Model: Its Effect on Learning Outcomes | FULLTEXT(129-144) |
Nurfadillah Haruna Rio, Jamilah Jamilah, Zulkarnaim Zulkarnaim, Ahmad Ali, Syamsul Syamsul |
The Influence of Clue & Search Card in Tissue Plant’s Learning Outcomes | FULLTEXT(145-155) |
Ihwana N, Jamilah Jamilah, Syahriani Syahriani, Syamsul Syamsul, Ummul Hasanah |
The Role of Bio-Entrepreneurship in Improving Student Creative Thinking | FULLTEXT(156-164) |
Humaerah Indah Syahrah, Jamilah - -, Ummul - Hasanah, Syahriani - - |
Increasing Learning Interest and Critical Thinking in Students: The Impact of POGIL on Ecosystem Learning | FULLTEXT(165-176) |
A. Puteri Kumala Dewi, Jamilah Jamilah, Syamsul Syamsul, Syahriani Syahriani |
Creative and Innovative Learning Approaches in Forming Students' Character in Early Children | FULLTEXT (177-195) |
Gusnarib A. Wahab, Hj. Adawiyah Pettalongi |
Optimization of the Synergy of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Supporting the Counseling Guidance Program at SMK Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang in the 5.0 Era | FULLTEXT (176-207) |
Lalu Muhammad Salikurrahman, Mohamad Joko Susilo |
Development of E-Module with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach on Three-Variable Linear Equation System (SPLTV) Material to Improve Thinking Ability Critical Student | FULLTEXT (208-220) |
Ridatul Wardani, Suharti Suharti, Nur Khalisah Latuconsina |
Islamic Virtues Meet Society 5.0: Hamka's Sufism Concept of Sabr and Shukr Guiding Educators' Role in Resilience Building | FULLTEXT (221-241) |
Nur Hadi Ihsan |
The Effect of Character Education on The Behavior of Grade V Students of SD Negeri Minasa Upa, Kota Makassar | FULLTEXT (242-246) |
Nurul Salsa Fadila, M. Shabir U, M. Mirza Fatahullah |
Development of Digital Competence of MI / SD Students in Facing the Era of Society 5.0 | FULLTEXT (247-252) |
Annisa Nurul Firdaus, Hana Zahid Nur Fadilah, Intan Ayu Amalia, Siti Aisyah, Mikyal Hardiyati |
The Effect of the Implementation of the Handout-Assisted Take and Give Learning Model on the Improvement of Social Science Learning Outcomes of Class V Students of SD Inpres Tamangapa, Makassar City | FULLTEXT(253-264) |
Risna Risna, Munawir K, Suhardiman Suhardiman, Andi Hasrianti, Suarti Suarti |
Comparison of the Discovery Learning Model and the Direct Instruction Model on IPAS Learning Outcomes for Fourth Grade at SDN Centre Mawang Gowa Regency | FULLTEXT(265-278) |
Sitti Nur Faizah, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Suarti Suarti |
Effectiveness of the Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning-based PAI Modules in the Face of Learning Outcomes of Class VI Students of SDN 2 Balo-Baloang, Pangkep Regency | FULLTEXT(279-288) |
Risma A, Muzakkir Muzakkir, Rosdiana Rosdiana |
Digital Transformation of Learning in Madrasahs: Leveraging IoT for The Future of Education 5.0 in Kabupaten Bandung | FULLTEXT (289-305) |
Neng Lani Suryana, Ade Yeti Nuryantini, Algi Nurahman Miladanta |
The Influence of the Use of Role Playing Learning Models on the Learning Outcomes of Science Students of Class V of Elementary School 42 Bateballa, Bantaeng Regency | FULLTEXT (306-316) |
Fitriani Sapitra, Rosdiana Rosdiana, M. Mirza Fatahullah |
Management of Pesantren-Based Madrasah Aliyah Curriculum in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, Indonesia | FULLTEXT (317-332) |
Faizin - Faizin, Atabik - Atabik |
Meta Analysis: Influence of Problem Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics of Junior High School Students | FULLTEXT (333-342) |
Inayah Indah Azzahrah, A. Sriyanti, Nur Inzani, Munirah Munirah, A. Dian Angriani, Baharuddin Baharuddin |
Ethnomathematics in Sidomukti Solo Batik Motifs as a Media For Learning Realistic Mathematics | FULLTEXT (343-358) |
Aleza Dwi Septi, Andi Muhammad Toha, Wiwin Astuti, Moh Bisri |
Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Islamic Education Management in the Disruptive Era of Kabupaten Bone | FULLTEXT (359-366) |
A. Muh. Syahwan Syahnan |
Financial Management at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar City | FULLTEXT (367-386) |
Duriska Kadir, Ridwan Idris, Lisa Nursita, Suarga Suarga, St. Ibrah Mustafa Kamal |
Adaptive Strategies of Islamic Education Management in Facing the Disruptive Era: An Empirical Study on Islamic Educational Institutions of Kabupaten Bone | FULLTEXT (387-395) |
Vega Adelia |
The Values of Religious Moderation in the Podcast "Login" in Close the Door Season 2 (2024) | FULLTEXT (396-411) |
Annida Husna Savira, Rustam Ibrahim, Mayana Ratih Permatasari |
Development of Interactive Science Learning Media on Solar System Material at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah based on PowerPoint and Ispring on Android | FULLTEXT (412-423) |
Nun Asmi Aida, Alvin Yanuar Rahman, Hilman Mangkuwibawa |
Problems of Office Automation at the Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia | FULLTEXT (424-437) |
Nur Hidayanti, Lisa Nursita, Ridwan Idris, Andi Halimah, Kasmawati Kasmawati |
Effectiveness of Using M-Learning Media Based on Articulate Storyline Application on Energy Source Material to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class X MIPA 3 Students at MA Allu Bangkala | FULLTEXT (438-454) |
Muhammad Yusuf Hidayat, Hamsil Mahendra, Ali Umar Dani, Anas Irwan |
Tech-Driven Teachers: Embracing Digital Innovations to Shape the Future of Preservice Education and Instructional Design | FULLTEXT (455-467) |
Nadhira Noor Rabbani Sidiki |
Innovation of Morning Habits Based on Islamic Values in Facing the Challenges of the 5.0 Era: Implementation at MI Ma'arif NU Kedungwringin | FULLTEXT (468-475) |
Kunyati , ,, Amelia Nurunnisa ,, Aura Meidy Rallygia, Maulida Khafidoh . |
The Influence of Using the Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Sketch Media on the Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at MI Muhammadiyah Ballatabbua, Gowa Regency | FULLTEXT (476-480) |
Nurhikmah Amelia, Yuspiani Yuspiani, Mirza Fatahullah |
Online-based management of new student admissions at SMAN 2 Bulukumba | FULLTEXT (481-492) |
St Rahmawati, Alwan Subhan, Suarga Suarga, Natsir Mahmud, Wahyuni Ismail |
Implementation of Curriculum Management Towards Increasing Accreditation at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar | FULLTEXT (493-504) |
Muthiah Khaerunnisa, Eka Damayanti, Lisa Nursita, St. Syamsudduha, Fitriani Nur |
The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Processes on Employee Performance at the Balai Diklat Keagamaan in Makassar | FULLTEXT (505-521) |
Nur Hikmah Maudinah, St. Ibrah Mustafa Kamal, Ridwan Idris, Mardhiah Mardhiah, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar |
The RADEC Model as a 21st Century Learning Innovation in Social Studies at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | FULLTEXT (522- 533) |
Salma Fauziah R, Yayan Carlian, Muhaammad Rifqi Mahmud, Apip Rudianto, Wahyu Sopandi |
Efforts Of Islamic Religious Education Teachers In Forming Students' Character In The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 5.0 At SDN 161 Pakkodi Enrekang | FULLTEXT (534-543) |
Andi Muis Muis Muis, Rohma Udin Fanani, Ramli Ramli, Marhum Marhum, Hamsiah Danda |
Implementation of the Storytelling Program in Implementing Islamic Education Values in Elementary School Students | FULLTEXT (545-554) |
Salma Balqis, Titim Fatimah, Kawuryansih Widowati, Inne Marthyane Pratiwi |
Systematic Literature Review: Improving Digital Literacy by Using Learning Media | FULLTEXT (555-570) |
Fitriani Nur, Agung Muhtar Saputra, Syarifah Ainur Natia, Fiqriyatul Fijaar, Resa Yulianti, Bahrul Alim |
Development of Flipbook Maker-Assisted E-Modules Based on Problem Based Learning Models on Quadrate Equations Material | FULLTEXT (571-580) |
Nursanti Nursanti, Sri Sulasteri, Lisnasari Andi Mattoliang, Thamrin Tayeb4, Nur Khalisah Latuconsina |
Effectiveness of Formative Assessment Model on Learning Outcomes | FULLTEXT (581-603) |
Ilyas Ismail, Andi Kusumayanti |
The Influence of Applying the Probing-Prompting Method on Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Students | FULLTEXT (604-615) |
Rika Risnawati, Umar Sulaiman Sulaiman, Andi Hasrianti |
Ethnomathematic Analysis of Hand Crafts (Makassar Ethnic) on Mathematics Learning | FULLTEXT (616-635) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Suci Rahma, Rahmiati Rahmiati, Sunil Natsir, A. Sriyanti |
Madrasah Institutional Management Based on Collaboration with Boarding Schools in the Disruption Era | FULLTEXT (636-644) |
Zuri pamuji, Titik Rahmawati |
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Components of Traditional Boats of The Makassar People as a Source of Learning Geometry Concepts | FULLTEXT (645-659) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Widiastika Suartawa, M. Ariel Fazli, Maulana Syakira, Suharti Suharti |
Redefining Learning Environments: The Role of Digital Transformation In The 5.0 Era | FULLTEXT (660-668) |
Lidia Astriana |
An Exploration of Ethnomathematics in Traditional Weapon Artifacts of Somba Opu Fort, South Sulawesi | FULLTEXT (669-680) |
Risal Akbar, Andi Kusumayanti, Nasrul Nasrul, Fira Yanti, Annisa Nur Rahmadani, Andi Dian Angriani |
Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Traditional Houses of Tana Toraja Tongkonan in The Learning of Mathematics | FULLTEXT (681-695) |
Hasnia Hasnia, Andi Kusumayanti, Akmal Akmal, Andi Afifah Salsabila, Puji Qur’ani Al Haq, Ahmad Farham Majid |
Ethnomathematics of Bugis Food: Exploration of Traditional Cakes as a Resource for Learning Mathematics | FULLTEXT (696-717) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Ahmad Abdul Khair, Andi Nur Asisa, Amalia Sari Nur Faidah, Andi Ika Prasasti |
An Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Gandrang Bulo Dance of The Makassar Tribe | FULLTEXT (718-736) |
Andi Kusumayanti, Dwi Aprillia Aprillia, Hendra Hendra, Ainun Jariah, Nursalam Nursalam |