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Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Counseling and Planting of Pilot Family Medicinal Plants (Toga) as Education of Toga Utilization In Jambua Hamlet, Maros Regency Abstract
Dian Ihwana Ansyar, Annisa Suci Istiqamah, Muhammad Haegar, Andi Susilawaty
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Cover, Table of Contents, and Book of Abstracts Abstract
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Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Depo Provera Injectable Family PlanningAcceptors at Pasitallu Public Health Center Selayar Island 2021 Amenorrhoea Risk Factors Abstract
Sitti Saleha, Marawani Marawani
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Description of Basic Sanitation in Maccini Baji Hamlet Takalar District in 2022 Abstract
Yusma Indah Jayadi, Yudi Adnan, Tiara Hasdin, Siti Izzah Fauziah, Annisa Nuryasmin
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Description of Hazards on the Development of the X Makassar Clinical Laboratory Abstract
Siti Nurkhaliza, Deah Yulistianingsih, Sabikah Salsabila Arfan, Fatmawaty Mallapiang, Lilis Widiastuty
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Detection of Lard In Face Mask Using A Combination of Ftir Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods Abstract
Nur Syamsi Dhuha, Leli Wulandari, Gemy Nastity Handayani, Alifia Putri Febriyanti
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Development of Self Emulsifying Formulations of Poorly Soluble Ibuprofen for Enhanced Dissolution Rate Abstract
Nurul Muhlisah M, Nurul Ihsaniati, Latifah Rahman
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Differences In the Effectiveness of Warm and Cold Compresses Against the Degree of Dysmenorrhea in Adolescents in Pesantren Ukhwatul Muslim, Gowa Regency Abstract
Ferawati Taherong, Herlianty Herlianty, Siti Aqma Ibrahim, Evi Sri Dahrianti
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Do Age and Cathecol-O-Methyl-Transferase (COMT) correlate with the ability to memorize the Qur'an? Abstract
Rosdianah Rahim, Suryani As'ad, Veni Hadju, Saidah Syamsuddin, Muhammad Hatta, Nadyah Haruna, Syatirah Jalaludin, Yessy Kurniati
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Effect of N1- Benzoiloxymethyl-5-Fluorouracil against The p53 Expression and Apoptosis Activity In Breast Cells of Female Mice (Sprague-Dawley) Induced with 7.12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) Abstract
Dewi Yuliana, Siswandono Siswandono, Junaidi Khotib
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Effectiveness of Moringa Honey on Hemoglobin Level in Pregnant Women with Anemia Abstract
Alifia Ayu Delima, Suryani Asad, Veni Hadju, Agussalim Bukhari
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Evaluation of Additional Feeding Program (AFP) for Pregnant Women in Preventing Stunting at Pattalassang Public Health in Covid-19 Abstract
Yusma Indah Jayadi, Titah Nurul Lathifah Tahar, Roza Qoni Hadza, Dian Yuliawati Darwis, Muh. Ridwan, Shara Akviani
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Evaluation of the Mental Health Program in the Samata Community Health Center Abstract
Andi Syamsiah Adha, Yusma Indah Jayadi, Andi Assyifa Mappadeceng Okarniatif, Futri Alifia Rezkiyanti, Zulfa Husain
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Factors Relating to Nurse's Competence in Primary Survey in Maternity Emergency Abstract
Eva Yustilawati, Nurul Fadhilah Gani, Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah, Nabila Rani
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Formation and Characterization of Piroxicam-malic Acid Cocrystals Abstract
Haeria Doloking, Nur Syamsi Dhuha, Nurjannah Nurjannah
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) in Construction of Clinical Development X HACCP (Analisis Bahaya Titik Kontrol Kritis) in Clinic X Construction Abstract
Hervina Hervina, Harnila Hadin, Rosmilasari Rosmilasari, Fatmawaty Mallapiang, Lilis Widiastuty
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference How to improve maternal health care quality: Scoping Review Abstract
Mahindria Vici Virahaju, Anugerah Destia Trisetyaningsih
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Implementation of Hospital Implementation Based on Sharia Principles: A Study on Sitti Khadijah Hospital Abstract
Insyirah Samra, Nurfaizah Yusuf, Fahrul Islam, Zilfadhilah Arranury
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Intervention of Red Onion Compress Therapy in Typhoid Fever Patients with Hyperthermic Problems Abstract
Huriati Huriati, Arbianingsih Arbianingsih, Mulyana Anwar, Eka Hadrayani, Muthahharah Muthahharah
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Investigation of Wound Stage and Exudate Type in Diabetes Foot Ulcers: a Cross-sectional Study Abstract
Ahmad Jamaluddin, Syatirah Syatirah, Hasnah Hasnah, Ardian Adhiwijaya, Syamsuri Syakri, Karlina Amir Tahir
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Measuring health literacy about Vaccinination Covid-19 in community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia: survey using the HLQ Questionnaire Abstract
Nurul Fadhilah Gani, Eva Yustilawati, Aidah Fitriani, Eka Hadrayani
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Nursing Intervention Module In Pre-Eclampsia Prevention In Pregnant Women Abstract
Hasnah Hasnah, Nurul Fadhilah Gani, Nurhidayah Nurhidayah
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Nursing Interventions Based On 5 Finger And Murottal Hypnosis To Prevent Preeclampsia Pregnant In Indonesia Abstract
Hasnah Hasnah, Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah, Darti D., Wahdaniah Wahdaniah, Nurul Fadhilah Gani
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Patients’ Perceptions on The Nurses Driven Patient Safety Implementation: an Analysis Abstract
Syamsiah Rauf, Nur Hidayah, Nurul Khusnul Khotimah, A. Adriana Amal, Irma Irma
Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference Pattern of Care Seeking Behavior for Pregnant and Giving Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Gowa District Abstract
Rosdianah Rosdianah
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