Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Education and Teacher Training

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The Impact of Techno-Parenting on the Sleep Quality of Early Childhood Students at Hajar Aswad Kindergarten, Antang, Makassar
Karunia Dwi Fajarini, Ulfiani Rahman Rahman, Andi Halimah, Dahliah Patiung, Andi Dian Angriani

Last modified: 2025-02-16


This study discusses the description of technoparenting for children's sleep quality, knowing the quality of children's sleep that affects children's sleep and knowing the impact of technoparenting on children's sleep quality at Hajar Aswad Makkio Baji Antang Makassar Kindergarten. This research is qualitative descriptive with an approach in the form of a case study. The data source in this study is the parents of 8 children and secondary data obtained from documentation, journals and other research. The data collection methods used in the study are observation methods, interview methods and documentation. Data processing and data analysis techniques are by using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that the 8 families in the kindergarten had different patterns of technoparenting. Parental technology in providing a duration of using gadgets with less than 1 hour, most children have good sleep quality, and vice versa. The impact of technoparenting on children's sleep quality is that it has a negative effect on children's mood and behavior, and in some cases, hidden sleep disorders can appear as symptoms of mental health problems. Children with adequate sleep show a positive mood, are active, able to concentrate, have a good appetite, and are ready for physical activity, while children with poor sleep tend to exhibit the opposite behavior. The implication of this study for parents and researchers is to pay more attention and supervise children in the use of gadgets on a daily basis, because the existence of gadgets will have a lot of impact on children, both positive and negative impacts. For researchers, it is hoped that they can deepen and conduct research related to technoparenting in early childhood care.

Full Text: FULLTEXT (792-806)