Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan 2022

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Ahmad Husen, Sri Sulasteri, Baharuddin Abbas

Last modified: 2022-03-17



This study aims to determine the procedures and analyze the quality of developing test instruments to measure higher order thinking skills in mathematics at SMPN 5 Maiwa. This type of research is research and development with a formative research model that goes through 4 stages, namely preliminary, self-evaluation, prototyping and field tests. The test subjects in this study were class VIII B SMPN 5 Maiwa with a total of 21 students. The results obtained in the content validity test were declared valid because in the CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and CVI (Content Validity Index) the average total score was 1 with a very appropriate category or in the 0.68-1.00 interval the test results The student response questionnaire was 68.5% in the positive category because more than 50% of the students responded positively, the results of the reliability trial average total score was 0.942 with a very high category (reliable) because it was in the 0.80 interval < 11 1.00 the results of the analysis of the level of difficulty the average total score is 0.39 with a sufficient category because it is in the 0.31-0.70 interval and the results of the analysis of the average discriminating power of the score is 0.32 with a sufficient category because it is in the interval 0.20 <Dp≤0.40 and the results of the analysis to measure higher order thinking skills there are 2 students (9.52%) included in the good category, 10 students (47.61%) included in the sufficient category, 4 students students (19.05%) are included in the category of egori is lacking, and 5 students (23.81%) are included in the very poor category so that the average total score is 38.54 in the less category because 20 < total score 40. Thus, it can be concluded that the high-order thinking ability test instrument at SMPN 5 Maiwa is of good quality.



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur dan menganalisis kualitas pengembangan instrumen tes untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada mata pelajaran matematika di SMPN 5 Maiwa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model formative research yang melalui 4 tahap yaitu preliminary, self evaluation, dan prototyping serta field test. Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII B SMPN 5 Maiwa dengan jumlah 21 peserta didik. Hasil yang diperoleh pada uji validitas isi soal dinyatakan valid karena pada CVR (Content Validity Ratio) dan CVI (Content Validity Index) rata-rata skor total adalah 1 dengan kategori sangat sesuai atau berada pada interval 0,68-1,00 hasil uji coba angket respon peserta didik adalah 68,5% pada kategori positif karena lebih dari 50% peserta didik yang merespon positif, hasil uji coba reliabilitas rata-rata skor total adalah 0,942 dengan kategori sangat tinggi (reliabel) karena berada pada interval 0,80<


Test Instruments, Higher Order Thinking, Mathematics