Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of The Second National Seminar on English Language Teaching (NELT 2024)

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Translanguaging Pedagogies in an Indonesian Vocational College Classroom: How Does It Affect Students’ Confidence to Speak in English?
Feby Sekar Ayu Kuncoroningtyas, Sumardi Sumardi, Kristian Adi Putra

Last modified: 2024-08-18


Translanguaging contributes to students’ progress of learning a second language. However, many teachers often still see it as a problem, instead of a resource for learning. This case study is aimed at investigating how translanguaging pedagogies affect Indonesian vocational college students’ confidence to speak in English Students’ interactions in an ESP course were observed and four students from the class were interviewed. The data were then analyzed using thematic analysis. The finding showed the positive impact of translanguaging in education. Students reported that translanguaging aids in knowledge construction, boosts vocabulary comprehension, strengthens interactions between teachers and students, and fosters a comfortable and engaging learning environment. This finding suggests that translanguaging pedagogies should be legitimized and adopted in EFL college classrooms. It also provides an understanding that translanguaging not only facilitates English language learning but also acknowledges and leverages the linguistic diversity in Indonesian classrooms.


ESP, multilingualism, translanguaging, pedagogies, vocational college classroom

Full Text: 242 - 260