Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Irwanti Said, Rahmawati Haruna

Last modified: 2023-02-22


The family is the smallest unit consisting of father, mother and child who are interdependent with each other, the family has a very important role in efforts to develop the child's personality. However, this condition will not be realized if there are family problems that cause divorce. The divorce had a very negative impact on the development of child psychology. Children who are raised in a disharmonious family environment can be mentally and morally devastating in a child and will be traumatized by the child because they have lost a figure or figures that they consider as examples or guidelines in a household. In these conditions, many of them will experience biological, psychological and other deviations. The impact of divorce on the moral development of children, makes them children who are easily affected by negative environments such as children will have a stubborn nature, cannot receive positive feedback, drug abuse and moral misappropriation. It is hoped that this article can provide an understanding that the child is a mandate from Allah that we must take good care of the role of parents must be able to educate their children so that the child does not experience deviations, so that the child always walks on the path that has been mandated in the teachings of the Islamic religion.


Divorce; children; social issues; family well-being


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