Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Irwan Misbach, Muhammad Sahid

Last modified: 2023-02-19


The concept of Islamic business ethics has begun to be applied in various business sectors, including business
hotels that use sharia labels. This research is intended to determine ethics Islamic business and its implementation in sharia hotel management in Makassar City. Research methods
This is a descriptive qualitative research through field research at the Al-Badar Syariah Hotel Makassar
which is the first hotel labeled sharia in Makassar City, with as many as 1,000 informants 7 people including 2 hotel visitors. The results of the study found that business ethics
Islam according to the concept of monotheism on worship facilities; the concept of balance on the payment of salaries and rates
hotel; the concept of free will on price promotion strategies, service discounts and non-Muslim guests;
the concept of responsibility for reminding prayer times, providing prayer facilities and equipment as well
excellent service; and the concept of ihsan on owner's intention and sharia accommodation support. Implementation
Islamic business ethics in sharia hotel management in Makassar, seen in: hotel rules and names labeled sharia; facilities in support of obedience; and service by uttering, greeting, polite in information, responsive to complaints, dress politely, and cooperate with
partner labeled sharia. The conclusion of this study is that the concept of Islamic business ethics is in accordance with the principles
monotheism, balance, free will, responsibility and ihsan, as well as its implementation in sharia hotel management in Makassar City through rules, facilities and services, so that
become a role model for hotels that want to switch to sharia hotels. The implications of this research are
the existence of sharia hotels can eliminate the impression of negative things attached to business
hospitality and the importance of halal certification as the legality of sharia-based business.


syariah hotel; ethics; islamic business


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