Aang Ridwan
Last modified: 2022-08-30
The practice of Islamic proselytizing today has undergone a significant change in form, especially in the midst of the popular culture that is present in Indonesian society. This can be seen in the practice of Islamic broadcasting found on television in the form of programs or shows charged with Islamic shia. What was featured in the events showed that the practice of proselytizing when in the hands of the media underwent a remarkable process of transformation of the principles of proselytizing that it should be. This problem is generally caused by the business demands of the television media itself. The practice of proselytizing is ultimately inseparable from efforts to modify and commercialize media related to other interested parties of the event. This qualitative study using the critical discourse analysis method is expected to help researchers in capturing the hidden goals and values of the practice of proselytizing on television. The results of this study show that: First, the construction of the practice of proselytizing on television is a broadcasting construction. The existing shows are simply a practice of providing information through television channels that are precisely different in meaning and purpose of proselytizing itself; Second, religious broadcasting on proselytizing-themed events on television is not only the spread of religious teachings, but also the fulfillment and distribution of certain commercial values from various interested parties in it; and Third, the practice of proselytizing on television is a practice of forming a regime of truth in the interests of power through the distribution of ideological values and certain teachings in the form of pre-arranged spectacles. This practice of broadcasting religion on television cannot be merely for religious purposes, but must compromise with other interests that may be contrary to the original intention of proselytizing itself.
Critical Discourse Analysis; Proselytizing; Ideology; Commercialization; Commodification; Television
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