Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Rahmat Ramdhani

Last modified: 2022-08-30


This paper aims to find out the description of the rites of Islamic teachings which are further to study, understand and analyze the form of proselytizing that departs from the local wisdom of the Lembak ethnicity. The method used is qualitative with a sociological approach and symbolic interactionism. The number of research informants was 6 people from the villages of Dusun Besar, Panorama and Jembatan Kecil who were selected by purposive sampling with predetermined criteria. Data collection is carried out by means of observations, interviews, documentation studies. The results showed that: first, local wisdom-based proselytizing activities in the lembak bulang ethnicity that took place long ago and were consistently preserved were berayak, klop ngaji and klop bedzikir. Berayak is interpreted as a forum for friendship for members of the community (mad'u) to learn about Islam with Religious Figures / Imams (da'i), while klop ngaji and klop berdzikir as a medium for proselytizing that gives birth to understanding and specificity in carrying out Islamic teachings, namely eloquent reading and knowing the content of the Quran in klop ngaji and living the content of Radat and Islamic verses in the book of berzanji and kitab ulud in klop berzikir. Its activities are routinely carried out once a week, with the existing practice of synchronizing and harmonizing between Islamic proselytizing and local wisdom.  Furthermore, the culture of berayak, klop ngaji and klop bedikir has historical aspects that integrate synergistically with Islamic teachings, customary norms and social norms. Meanwhile, the content of proselytizing in the culture is in the form of internalization and socialization of Islamic teachings based on local wisdom so that social capital is enshrined in people's lives.


Da'wah; Local Wisdom; Modal Capital

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