Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Azman Sulaiman, Hanifah Nurdin, Fakhrur Rizha

Last modified: 2022-08-29


One of functions of the media is to inform, the media to inform the audience about events, actualthings. Since the first, the media has been the primadonna by various group for various interests.Aceh is often a central issue in the news. This happens because Aceh has monumental historicalaspects, such as the first spread of Islam in Peureulak, Aceh was Aceh was involved in aprolonged conflict, Aceh was hit by a major disaster, Aceh has a special position in the realm ofgovernment, education, religion and culture. One of the central issues in Aceh both at thenational and even international levels is the application of Islamic law. So that Aceh often getsnegative framing from the media. This study was carried out in an effort to find steps and stagesof anticipating negative framing in reporting on Aceh, especially in the application of IslamicSharia so that Aceh would be better prepared to deal with all events that could lead to negativereporting by the media.


Framing; News; Islamic Shari’ah


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