Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Suleman Essop Dangor

Last modified: 2022-08-29


This article focused on Shaykh Yūsuf’s role in the spread of Islam.  Shaykh Yūsuf is venerated to this day, particularly in the Indonesian Archipelago and in South Africa - where he spent the last five years of his life, from 1694 to 1699. Using a literature research method, this article identified the major themes that are reflected in his writings on taṣawwuf. They are bay`ah, tawbah, dhikr, wujūd, al-ṣifah al-Ilāhīyya, Prophet’s status, sharī`ah and ḥaqqah, sharī`ah and ṭarīqah, akhlāq, how Allah draws a servant close to Him, how a servant attains closeness to Allah. This article also highlighted Shaykh Yūsuf’s influence in the various regions such Makkah, Makassar, Banten, Batavia (Jakarta), Ceylon and Cape Town which witnessed his presence. His presence not only strengthened the position of those who were already Muslim, but also gave impetus to the spread of Islam.


Shaykh Yusuf; Islamic teaching; the spread of Islam; Tasawwuf


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