Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, International Seminar Da'wah and Communication 2022

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Iftitah Jafar, Mudzhira Nur Amrullah

Date: 2022-09-15 01:54 AM – 07:54 AM
Last modified: 2022-08-29


Sheikh Yusuf of Makassar is globally known as a great scholar, leading ṣȗfȋ, national hero and muftȋ. He contributed his life for Islamic preaching in various forms in two continents Asia and Africa. Many treatises have been published regarding his role as scholar, ṣȗfȋ, hero, and muftȋ. However, a very view writing has been made concerning his position as a preacher. This paper tried to reveal al-Makassari’s position in Islamic preaching. It is a qualitative descriptive study based on da‘wa figure (rijȃl al-da‘wa).  The result shows that some of his da‘wa forms are speaking (da‘wa bi al-lisȃn), writing (da‘wa bi al-kitȃba), struggling (da‘wa bi al-jihȃd), and transforming (da‘wa bi al-taghyȋr). These forms were designed according to socio-political environment of the communities. The study also shows    al-Makassari’s moderate and inclusive nature of da‘wa. This nature of da‘wa was  identified through his attitude and behaviour toward religious and political background of the society as well as his mystical teaching. The study suggests researchers to dig or explore more on al-Makassari’s other affairs da‘wa especially his methods and contents of da‘wa. The study also suggests that Islamic preachers should widen their horizon on content of da‘wa through reading and conducting research.


Preacher; forms;nature


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