Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Reproductive system learning: developing animated-based crossword puzzle media
Jaslan Jaslan, Ilyas Ilyas, Jamilah Jamilah

Last modified: 2023-08-02


This study aims to achieve the following objectives: (1) develop animated crossword learning media on the topic of the reproductive system for Class XI MA Madani Alauddin; (2) determine the validity of animated crossword learning media on the reproductive system material for Class XI MA Madani Alauddin; (3) determine the practicality of animated crossword learning media on the reproductive system material for Class XI MA Madani Alauddin; and (4) determine the level of effectiveness of animated crossword learning media on the reproductive system material for Class XI MA Madani Alauddin. The study utilized the research and development (R&D) method, referring to the 4-D development model, which included four stages: defined, designed, developed, and disseminated. The product was an animated crossword puzzle learning media, tested through validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. The study involved 33 students from Class XI MA Madani Alauddin 2022–2023 as the subjects. Validation sheets, student response questionnaires, teacher response questionnaires, and test items were used as research instruments to collect data on practicality and effectiveness. Material and design experts determined that the developed animated-based crossword puzzle learning media for the biology subject demonstrated a high level of validity, scoring 3.66. Assessing student and educator responses, the level of practicality fell within the "very practical" category, with an average total score of 3.61. Tests conducted on student learning outcomes using animated crossword learning media showed effective criteria, achieving a mastery proportion of 87%. As a result, animation-based crossword learning materials are appropriate for use because they satisfy the requirements for validity, usability, and effectiveness.


Animated; learning media; crossword puzzles

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