Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Analysis of students' reasoning ability and communication ability in solving algebra calculating operations
Thamrin Tayeb, Nurul Awaliyah Zakir, Sri Sulasteri, Muhammad Rusydi Rasyid, Muh. Qardawi Hamzah

Last modified: 2023-07-31


This study discusses students' reasoning abilities and communication skills in solving algebraic arithmetic operations questions for class VII MTs Negeri 2 Jeneponto. This study aims to determine students' reasoning abilities and communication skills in solving algebraic arithmetic operations questions for class VII.F MTs Negeri 2 Jeneponto, to determine students' reasoning abilities in solving algebraic arithmetic operations questions and students' communication abilities in solving algebraic arithmetic operations questions class VII.F MTs Negeri 2 Jeneponto. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results of the data analysis show that most of [1] the students' reasoning abilities, in this case, are already classified as good with the ability to think logically in solving problems, students are good at understanding the form of the questions given, able to draw logical conclusions. Then from [2] the communication skills of students are classified as good in solving problems. Students already understand the form of the questions given, students can already determine the answers, and students are still not active enough to ask questions in class.


Reasoning skills; communication skills; algebraic computing operations

Full Text: FULL TEXT (757-763)