Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Analysis of the application of the concept of buying and selling by Imam al Ghazali
Arka Damayanti, Abdul Wahab, Sabbar Dahham Sabbar

Last modified: 2023-07-16


Buying and selling activities (trade) that are getting easier and faster nowadays make business people put aside muamalah values. Business actors who are only profit-oriented cause many ethical violations to occur in buying and selling activities. This must be corrected immediately so that the world economic order can improve. Imam Al Ghazali is one of the great thinkers in Islamic economics. Many of his monumental works such as Ihya Ulum al-Din and al-Wasith fi al-Madzab, thoroughly discuss the substantial aspects of Islamic economics. So, this study aims to describe the concept of buying and selling al-Ghazali and analyze the application of the concept of buying and selling al-Ghazali. The type of research in this writing islibrary research (library) using a qualitative approach that is descriptive and analytical in nature to describe the application of al-Ghazali's buying and selling concept. The results of this study explain that the application of al-Ghazali's buying and selling concept is very relevant and canbe used today, his concepts in the economic field, especially trading activities, can help economic (business) actors to achieve maslahah. So that business activities do not only refer to the world, but can be of worship value and extend to the afterlife.


Islamic economics; muamalah; buying; selling

Full Text: FULL TEXT (365-379)