Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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The influence of a persuasive strategy on students learning desire in English language class at MA Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Gombara
St. Azizah, Masykur Rauf, M. Asri Amin

Last modified: 2023-07-21


This research aimed to determine the influence of the teacher's persuasive strategies on student learning desire in class XI MA Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Gombara. There were two questions in this research, they are: 1) What techniques of a persuasive strategy are used by the teacher to influence the students’ learning desire in English language teaching? 2) Is there any persuasive strategy influence the students' desire to learn the English language? The subjects from this research were the teacher of the English language and twenty students from MA Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Gombara Class XI. This research was descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include observation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research was the Miles and Huberman Model, consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. Based on this research, the results show that: 1) The persuasive strategy techniques used by teachers to influence students' desire to learn English were association techniques, integration techniques, reward techniques, ordering techniques, and red-herring techniques. 2) The effect of the teacher's persuasive strategy on students was: 1) increasing students' desire to learn English, 2) students are more interested in learning English, and 3) students are more active in speaking English. The implication of this research is that the persuasive strategy is good for the teacher to use to arouse the students learning desire.


English learning; learning methods

Full Text: FULL TEXT (572-591)