Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Knitting human values through religious moderation
Alifah Muthmainna, Rizka Irdayanti, Al Ifdayani Syariful

Last modified: 2023-07-16


Indonesia as a country that contains a lot of diversity consisting of diversity of ethnicity, nation, language, customs and religion, today is often hit by the issue of radicalism. The existence of religion aims to make the order of life (rules) originating from God, where it is able to guide humans to become someone who has reason and seeks happiness, be it in this world or the hereafter. However, in the end many people misuse the role of religion for their personal interests and desires so that religious conflicts arise which threaten the unity of the nation. This study aims to analyze how the role of religious moderation in knitting human values. The research is a library research study which examines data sources such as books or scientific journals which are references related to knitting human values ​​through religious moderation. Data processing uses a descriptive research analysis method that seeks to explain, describe and analyze what conditions occur around us. Moderation is an attitude and view that is not excessive, and moderation in religion is also a way to form similarities, not show differences. With moderation we can build an attitude of harmony, mutual respect, care, and tolerance without having to cause conflict because of differences. Funds can be open to each other and willing to adapt to the surrounding environment to achieve what is desired.


Human values; religious moderation

Full Text: FULL TEXT (266-275)