Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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The analysis of critical discourse about the reporting of "child violence" in Tribun Lampung daily newspaper based on the fairclough theory
A. Aisyah

Last modified: 2023-06-03


Media in the context of critical theory is always associated with ideology and hegemony. This relates to the way in which a discourse or text reality is interpreted and interpreted in a certain way. So that, in analyzing the discourse of the news in the newspaper. The purpose of this research is to get a complete and clear understanding of the position of child actors in thenews discourse of Tribun Lampung newspaper. The method used in this research is aqualitative method. Based on the results of research is conducted in the analysis of newsdiscourse in Tribun Lampung newspaper about child violence that the language used in the Tribun Lampung newspaper tends to be humanist in presenting facts that related to reporting on violence experienced by children. The defense of Tribun Lampung newspaper against children in the news discourse on child violence is a discovery by researchers that there is a partiality towards victims of violence. The conclusion of this study is that forms of marginalization in news discourse can usually be identified from the forms of vocabulary, diction, and sentences used by the editors. In this case the news discourse of Tribun Lampung newspaper in the use of language, choice of diction and vocabulary is very much in favor of victims of violence, both physical violence and sexual violence experienced by children.


Critical discourse; ideology; Tribun Lampung newspaper