Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2023

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Appa’dekko (harvest) and pa’batte jangang (cockfight) culture
St. Nurbaya Kadir, Nur Rahma, Ayu Lestari, Muh. Nur Fitri D.

Last modified: 2023-06-23


Culture is a way of life that develops, and is shared and must be preserved and also a heritage and must be passed down from generation to generation. The customs in Takalar district, especially in Sayowang, have customs such as appa’dekko and pa’batte jangang with the intention of celebrating the birthday of Sayowang village. Once a year the event is held and there is also a house in Sayowang every time there is a family wedding which has an event that it is mandatory to come to the house before the pacing night. This tradition has developed and been passed down to the next generation in Sayowang Village, Takalar Regency. This article is able to describe one of the history and customs that exist in the Sayowang community and also the culture that has existed from generation to generation and the practices carried out by the Sayowang community in takalar district in appa’dekko and pa’batte jangang activities. This article uses a qualitative research method, through a series of research stages. This study used direct observation techniques and interview techniques with informants. The people of Sayowang still continue the traditions or customs of appa’dekko and pa’batte culture for the birthday of the village of Sayowang once a year and respect traditions passed down from generation to generation. The appa’dekko culture is a series of Sayowang birthday events that are held once a year and also has another event, namely pa’batte jangang and there is no element of gambling just for fun, this is related to the story of our ancestors about baraka oil.



Makassarese; local customs; cockfight

Full Text: FULL TEXT (88-102)