Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2022

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Suhartini Khalik, Suardi Zain, Nadirah Nadirah

Last modified: 2023-01-18


This research uses a Classroom Action Research design to improve students' reading comprehension skills by applying the Survey, Question, Reading, Recite, Review (SQ3R) strategy. The objects of this research were students of the fifth class at MIS Muhammadiyah Lautang Salo. The focus of improvement is the implementation of the learning process and results. This research design using a cycle research design consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. Data collection used two techniques, namely test, and non-test. The tests were given essays are carried out before the implementation of the action and at the end of each cycle. Non-test in the form of (1) observations, (2) interviews, (3) field notes, and (4) documentation. The test data were processed and presented in a tabulated matrix, then analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. Meanwhile, the process data were analyzed in the following stages: (1) analyzing the data; (2) reducing data; (3) Presentation of data; (4) concluding. The research data analysis showed that the students' pre-action ability was 50% (out of 12 students who attended), the first cycle was 54% or eight students (out of 15 students), and the second cycle was 12 students or 80%. The research results concluded that implementing the SQ3R strategy for the student’s reading comprehension skills is an improvement. In this case, the improvement of the number of students who achieved learning mastery scores, namely in the first cycle, eight students were obtained to twelve students in the second cycle. The research results suggested that using the SQ3R strategy is one of the teacher's choices in teaching reading in elementary schools.



SQ3R strategy; reading comprehention ability

Full Text: FULL TEXT (481-487)