Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2022

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Muh Rizal Syahdan, Rohana Rohana, Hamkah Hamkah

Last modified: 2023-01-14


The Losari Beach area is one of the tourist attractions in South Sulawesi, located in Makassar City. Tourism industry destinations can provide Regional Original Income (PAD) for Makassar City. Losari Beach has much potential as a marine tourism destination, water sports, ports, seafood, shopping places, etc. This research aims to develop the potential of Makassar as a tourist city, especially the Losari beach area, to review it. This study used a descriptive approach with qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. Hierarchically, the discussion's findings—specifically, the existing elements of the Losari Beach area's development—indicate that this place has the potential to be developed, particularly in terms of spatial patterns, to become a world city. For both domestic and foreign visitors to enjoy nature and cultural tourism, efforts are currently being made to integrate other forms of cultural tourism, such as Fort Rotterdam with Losari Beach, by expanding pedestrian paths. This is also true of efforts to integrate the Somba Opu road with Losari beach. A temporary anticipating is being conducted in this area by some tourism-related supporting organizations in the Integrated Business Center area. The improvement of various related facilities and infrastructure, such as the provision of inter-city public transportation with direct access to Losari Beach, parking areas around Losari Beach, and cultural reorganization must support this achievement. Regional regulations and regional regulations and associations have contributed to efforts to develop Losari beach tourism through Revisit Intention. The results of the summary of the researcher's notes were obtained from secondary data, namely the city government's efforts to evaluate the improvement of Losari beach as a landmark of Makassar city.


tourism; Revisit Intention; Losari Beach

Full Text: FULL TEXT (128-138)