Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2021

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Ana Nur Anisah, Joko Hadi Purnomo

Last modified: 2022-09-28


This research aimed to determine the analysis of conventional financial market instrumentand Islamic money markets in Indonesia. Money market is a mechanism for trading funds inthe short term, i.e., funds with a maturity of less than one year. Whereas Islam views money only as a medium of exchange, not commodities or merchandise. The research method uses the library research method. Where researchers do not directly conduct research in acompany, but use the library as a source of data needed. The results obtained can be concluded as follows: 1. The difference between conventional financial markets and Islamic financial markets lies in the mechanism of control. On conventional financial markets, instruments issued are instruments sold at a discount and based on interest calculations.While the Islamic money market is more complex and approaches the capital marketmechanism, which contains investment, cooperation and others namely Mudharabah, Musyarakah, qard, and Wadi’ah but only in the short them; 2. Instrument on conventionalmoney markets include bank Indonesia certificates, money narket securities, certificates ofdeposit, Commercial Paper, Call Money, Repurchase Agreement, Banker's Acceptance; 3.Instrument on the Islamic money market include inter-bank investment certificates, Mudharabah money market securities and bank Indonesia wadi’ah certificates.

Full Text: FULL TEXT (135-145)