Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (ICSIS) 2021

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Teguh Fachmi, Hasbi Wahyudi, Yahdinil Firda Nadhiroh, Wulan Fauzia

Last modified: 2022-09-28


The aims of this study is to test the reliability and validity of Fear of Intimacy scale that measures individual anxiety and anxiety in having close relationships or intimacy in romantic relationships which introduced by Deschutner and Thelen (1991). Several items have developed from previous studies there are eight items taken and developed from the intimacy development inventory questionnaire and two items taken from the intimacy subscale of Erikson's subscale (Deschutner and Thelen, 1991). The scale adaptation process that the researcher did in this study refers to the journal Guidelines for the Process of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Self-Report Measures (Beaton, 2000). Distribution of data and samples of data was carried out through Google Forms application, where the researcher distributed questionnaire links through social media that met the research population criteria. The research population criteria set by the researcher is for university students who have an age range of18-24 years. The sampling technique used in this research is accidental sampling. Respondentsin this study were 235 students. To test the validity of the measurement scale, the researcher used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with Lisrel software. The results of the construct validity test on the Fear of Intimacy Scale, shows that the items on this scale are significantly unidimensional, means that, they only measure the construct of the fear of intimacy dimension.In addition, the results of the translation process are also considered good, because there is no difference in meaning between the results of the back translation and the initial scale. Respondents can easily understand the statements contained in this scale. Based on the results of the CFA analysis with the Lisrel program, the fear of intimacy scale consist of 32 question,however it is known that there are two items that have a t value below 1.96, so that the significant items on this scale are 32 items consisting of 3 dimensions. Further psychometric properties and psychological implication are described.

Full Text: Full Text (48-57)