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Last modified: 2025-02-14
One of the health indicators assessed in the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia is the nutritional status of children under five. Based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study in 2022, the prevalence of dietary problems at the East Kalimantan provincial level has increased, stunted 22.8% increased to 23.9%, wasting 8.1% increased to 9.1%, and underweight 16.2% increased to 20.4 %. While Samarinda City, according to SSGI 2021 and 2022 data, Stunted 21.6% in 2021, increased in 2022 to 25.3%, Wasting 6.1% increased to 9.3%, and Underweight 13.9% to 20.7%. Harapan Baru health centre in 2022-2023 stunted 12.7% in 2022, increased in 2023 to 19.0%, wasting increased from 6.8% to 7.6%, and underweight increased from 16.9% to 18.7%. One of the government's efforts in Samarinda City, especially in the Harapan Baru Health Center working area, to overcome the problem of malnutrition is through the Local Supplementary Feeding program. This activity took place in the May-June period of 2024. The local supplementary feeding program targets underweight toddlers aged 12-48 months; as many as 75 toddlers are selected purposively and spread across two sub-districts. The local PMT procurement budget is sourced from the Special Allocation Fund budget for Puskesmas Health Operational Assistance in 2024. This study was designed with the specific aim of analyzing the results of implementing the local PMT program on the weight of underweight children. The analysis used was a two-sample paired non-parametric statistical test with the Wilcoxon test. Based on the Wilcoxon test shows that the weight before and after giving PMT was 28 days and 56 days sig. (2-tails = 0.00 <0.05, meaning there is a significant difference in toddler weight between before and after being given local PMT.
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