Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, The 2nd International Conference on Science and Islamic Studies (ICOSIS-2024)

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Djafar Djafar, Mukhtar Lutfi, Amiruddin K., Rahmawati Muin, Hasmawati Hasmawati

Last modified: 2025-02-12


UMKM or micro, small and medium enterprises are business entities that have a goal of how to generate profits so that these activities can continue to exist which can support many people. What is discussed in this paper is MSMEs with halal labels where these MSMEs must comply with the rules of Islamic law, the products offered are of halal standard, starting from the availability of raw materials, the manufacturing process to the packaging and finally halal certified as regulated in laws and regulations so as not to mislead Muslims. This research uses qualitative research methods with literature research data sources. The results showed that MSMEs in facing the digital economy must be able to prepare themselves to face a high competitive level because the competitors in business development are the MSMEs themselves, large entrepreneurs who penetrate small-scale business activities and entrepreneurs from abroad as an impact of the global economy. However, in facing these conditions, halal MSMEs in Indonesia must be able to prepare strategies that can anticipate these conditions, these strategies can include; utilizing digital platforms, using digital marketing, Socializing halal MSMEs, building industrial relations, increasing the role of religious and educational institutions for halal MSME product literacy, building customer trust in halal MSMEs, conducting digital economy development and training, conducting digital financial management, following sharia principles, complying with legal rules related to digitalization, always innovating, can take advantage of Digital Agency Services.

Full Text: PDF (342-351)