Last modified: 2022-10-01
Background: Institutional and industrial food administration is an integrated program consisting of planning, procurement, storage, processing of food ingredients and serving or serving food on a large scale. This food organization activity must be guided by PGRS to ensure quality food so that patients can speed up the process. the healing. This study aims to determine how the management of the implementation and service of food in the nutrition installation at the Faisal Islamic Hospital. Methods : This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach that describes the implementation of management in food service activities at the Nutrition Installation of Faisal Islamic Hospital. Result : Implementation of management in food delivery activities at the Nutrition Installation of Faisal Islamic Hospital which includes the menu planning process, food budget planning, planning for food needs, procurement of food ingredients, receipt of food ingredients, storage of food ingredients, processing of foodstuffs and full distribution of food is not fully in accordance with the PGRS steps that have been set. Conclusions : Food service management at the Faisal Islamic Hospital has met all the requirements for food service management, even though the number of existing patients decreased during the pandemic which resulted in grocery shopping activities turning into a household shopping system.