Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of the 1st Alauddin Health and Medical International Conference

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Development of Self Emulsifying Formulations of Poorly Soluble Ibuprofen for Enhanced Dissolution Rate
Nurul Muhlisah M, Nurul Ihsaniati, Latifah Rahman

Last modified: 2022-09-30


Background: After  oral  administration  of  the  drug,  drug  dissolution  is  a  requirement  for  absorption  of  a  drug  into  the systemic circulation. Based on the classification Biopharmaceutical Classification System(BCS), ibuprofen is included in class II, which has low solubility with good permeability characteristics (effective permeability in humans for ibuprofen 8.70×10-4cm / s). Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System(SEDDS)can improve the bioavailability of drugs that have low solubility with high permeability. Therefore, to increase the dissolution rate,  a ibuprofen  formulation  was  carried  out using  the SEDDS method. The aim of sedds formation is to increase the solubility and onset of action of ibuprofen, thereby improving therapeutic effectiveness. Methods: Ibuprofen  solubility  tests  were carried  out  on  several  types  of  oil  and  surfactants,  namely  corn  oil,  sunflower  oil,  soybean  oil,  oleic  acid, tween 80 and span 80 using the method saturation solubility. Three formulas were made containing the active ingredient ibuprofen 200 mg, Tween 80: span 80 (3: 1) as a surfactant with a concentration of 30% (F1), 45% (F2), 60% (F3) and oil as a carrier. The preliminary characterization of ibuprofen SEDDS was determined by emulsification efficiency method, dispersibility test and particle size characteristics. Results: The results of the solubility test showed that oleic acid had the highest dissolving capacity of 29.11% so that oleic acid was used as a carrier in this formulation. The dissolution test results showed that the ibuprofen formulated by the SEDDS method could increase the dissolution rate of ibuprofen, the dissolution percentage of each formula after 1 hour was 72.44% (F1), 65.27% (F2), 85.10% (F3), and 33.65% comparison. Statistical analysis using a completely randomized design showed a significant difference between dissolution rates (F1), (F2) and (F3) with comparators. The ibuprofen formula with surfactant of 60% (F3) showed the highest dissolution rate compared to (F1) and (F2) as well as with comparators. Conclusions: The formation of ibuprofen SEDDS with 60% surfactant consentration (F3) was proven to increase the dissolution rate of ibuprofen.