Last modified: 2022-09-30
Objective: Analyze the spiritual attitudes and spiritual competencies of nursing students. Methods: This research is descriptive quantitative research. Data were collected from 163 respondents who are nursing students obtained by purposive sampling technique. Spiritual Attitude and Involvement List (SAIL) instrument to measure spiritual attitude and Spiritual Competence Scale to assess spiritual competence. Result: The results were obtained for 5 domains of spiritual attitudes, connectedness with nature with the highest average value of 4.33, the meaningfulness of 4.28, trust with 4.23, and transcendent experience with the lowest average score of 3.96. Spiritual competence obtained 6 domains, domain spiritual competence with the highest average value attitude towards patient safety spirituality 4.41, communication 4.36 dan lowest Referral to Professionals 4.04. Conclusion: From these results, it can be concluded that several domains of spiritual attitudes and spiritual competence of students still need more attention to be improved. Spiritual attitude and spiritual competence can be started by increasing the spiritual awareness of nursing students.