Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Education and Teacher Training

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An Exploration of Ethnomathematics in The Gandrang Bulo Dance of The Makassar Tribe
Andi Kusumayanti, Dwi Aprillia Aprillia, Hendra Hendra, Ainun Jariah, Nursalam Nursalam

Last modified: 2025-01-10


Gandrang Bulo dance is a dance originating from Makassar that has a meaning of resistance to the colonizers. The purpose of this research is to explore mathematical concepts found in Gandrang Bulo dance. The type of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The subject of this research is the head of the Independent Art studio by the name of Alam. This art studio is located at Jalan Buludua Stp 3 No. 3A Lariang Banggi, Makassar. The data collection technique in this research consists of two parts, namely library data collection and field data collection which consists of three parts, namely observation, interview, and documentation. The research instrument used is a human instrument, namely the researcher acts as the main instrument which cannot be replaced by other people who act as data collectors. In addition, supporting instruments in the form of structured interviews were also used. Data analysis techniques used in this study with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of Gandrang Bulo dance exploration, there are movements, floor patterns, and musical instruments used that contain mathematical elements.

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