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Creative and Innovative Learning Approaches in Forming Students' Character in Early Children
Last modified: 2024-11-26
Early childhood education is an important basic level of education in forming the character and qualities of children in the future. This matter because Early childhood is a golden period and the initial foundation for growth and development child development. The environment has an important role in forming the attitudes, personality and development of abilities of early childhood. One institution that parents can choose to provide stimulus to young children is a PAUD institution. Innovative learning in schools is a learning strategy that emphasizes the delivery of learning material to students, in the form of expository, inquiry, problem-based learning, improving thinking skills, cooperative learning, contextual learning, affective learning, and scientific approaches. The formation of student character that needs to be developed in the pillars of national education refers to the processing of values in the areas of thought, feeling, physical or physical, and processing of the heart which becomes spirit in moving thoughts, feelings and will; or known as thinking, feeling, careful, and exercising. Students' character formation must also be developed, including the character of tolerance and love of peace to be more emphasized. This creative and innovative based learning method aims to make students feel comfortable and happy in learning but not forgetting the most important aspect, namely material that can be studied in everyday life. The technique used in this research is a library research technique which collects data from various sources as a reference in preparing and researching this article.
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