Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Proceedings, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Education and Teacher Training

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The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Processes on Employee Performance at the Balai Diklat Keagamaan in Makassar
Nur Hikmah Maudinah, St. Ibrah Mustafa Kamal, Ridwan Idris, Mardhiah Mardhiah, Andi Ika Prasasti Abrar

Last modified: 2025-01-08


This study focuses on the issues of the recruitment and selection processes on employee performance at the Balai Diklat Keagamaan in Makassar. The primary objectives of this research are to understand the recruitment process, the selection process, employee performance, and to analyze the effects of recruitment and selection on employee performance both individually and collectively. The study employs a quantitative ex-post facto method, with a sample of 65 employees selected through random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The findings indicate that the recruitment process requires improvement, while the selection process is rated positively. Employee performance is evaluated as moderate, particularly in terms of work quality, which needs enhancement. Statistical tests reveal that both recruitment and selection processes have a significant and positive impact on employee performance, both individually and collectively. The study suggests improving recruitment methods and refining qualification criteria to ensure that new hires meet the specific needs of the available positions.

Full Text: FULLTEXT (505-521)