Last modified: 2024-12-28
Ethnomathematics explores the relationship between mathematics and culture. One aspect of Indonesian culture that showcases this connection is Batik. Despite this, many educators struggle to incorporate local culture into math education. For instance, Sidomukti batik could serve as a practical tool for teaching mathematics in a way that relates to local culture. By studying the geometric patterns and structures found in Sidomukti Batik, students can grasp mathematical concepts in a manner that is more meaningful and relevant to their everyday lives. This research aims to investigate ethnomathematics in the Solo Sidomukti Batik motif as a medium for practical mathematics learning. The study is based on literature reviews and uses exploratory techniques with an ethnographic approach. The findings reveal several insights: 1) The main motif of Sidomukti Batik can be considered an element of a set; 2) Certain elements in Sidomukti Batik represent flat figures; 3) Data on the appearance of each Sidomukti Batik motif can lead to statistical concepts such as average (mean), median, and mode; 4) Sidomukti Batik does not feature rotation, reflection, or sliding reflection, but exhibits symmetrical patterns; 5) The creation of the batik motif "Sido Mukti" incorporates elements of measuring and calculating the cultural value of Solo.